Total Time (h:m:s) 5:13:57 5:36 pace
Moving Time (h:m:s) 3:50:14 4:07 pace
Distance (mi ) 55.89
Moving Speed (mph) 14.6 avg., 23.6 max.
Elevation Gain (ft) +1,474 / -1,531
Heart Rate Data Avg, Low, High
Heart Rate (%max) 67, 43, 98
Heart Rate (bpm) 124, 80, 181
Temperature (°F) 53.2°F avg. 55.4°F high
Wind Speed ( mph) SSE 5.8 avg. SSE 10.4 max.

Above: Dumbarton Bridge, largest hill of the day.

View from Dumbarton Bridge, Above: South towards San Jose (Hanger One at Moffet Field towards the right); Below: North towards San Francisco (I know ugly ass picture of roadway, but squint really really hard and you'll see SF)
Below right: Team Bear's Starbuck's rest stop (No not in the Castro), left to right ?, Virgil, Diana, Buzz, Chris, and Loren), Below left: Ped posing, what's my favorite color?

Below: Kerwin crossing the Dumbarton.

Above: Tall, Tall John
Above: Pretty Flowers.