Sweet dreams our love…we will remember you ALWAYS!

This summer I'll cycle in the California Death Ride - Tour of the California Alps. I’ll be riding in memory of my mother, Claire L’Italien (multiple myeloma) and in honor of my cousin Connie (B-cell lymphoma). It will be one day of pure pain, taking me over 5 mountain passes, 129 miles, 15,000 feet of climbing, and innumerable heartache. I'll be riding to help raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. These funds help to provide services, education, and to support important research.
Stephanie and Jon at the top of the hill.
I declined to train for an entire week afterwards to make sure I had recovered sufficiently. Yesterday was my first real ride of 2009. David Gaus, DSSF, was leading a ride in the
Wondering whether Jerome headed to the top, top or already descended.
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53.53 miles
3,280 feet of climbing
(63.05 miles total for the day)
For those that haven't seen the pics I posted to Facebook...
Day 6 - Versailles
Day 7 - 8 - 9
Day 2 - La Tour Eiffel
Day 3 - Sacre-Coeur