hurting heart...
As many know, Smokey has been ill lately. Smokey has always been a very slow and finicky eater but lately he just hasn't wanted to eat. We've tried wet food, wet food mixed with his favorite dry fish flakes, turkey, steak, tuna; you name it. His appetite is just not there. Last weekend we brought him the vets to get checked out and have some blood drawn. The blood test showed 'liver' problems and tonight we had an ultrasound done on his liver/abdomen and have gotten very bad news. He has two 'masses' on the outside of his adrenal gland and outside of his intestines. These 'masses' are almost certainly the underlying cause of the impaired liver function. He's is not very happy but he's staying overnight at the vets to get some nourishment and fluids. His dads are devastated. We so want to go get him tonight and hold him close. So tomorrow night Trevor and I will go get him from the vets, bring him home, and try to get him to eat as much as he's able; but more importantly to make him as comfortable as possible and to shower him with even more love. This may sound deterministic but we've been here before and know how this is most likely to go. Knowing the probability, we still pray like mad that the 'masses' are nothing and that treating his liver impairment with antibiotics to fight off an infection (which ever so slightly may be the underlying cause) will help him rebound. It's funny how pets work their way deep into one's heart.
Brent, Wayne, and "CC" are sending warm, healing thoughts his way, with high hopes that he'll be all right.
Let us know if you need anything.
Hey Larry--lots of love to all three of you. Beth from Santa Ynez
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