David, Stephanie, and Jerome, in Los Gatos.
Season is starting off to a real slow start. After an awesome vacation in Paris over the holidays, Trevor and I arrived back in SF for work to immediately become sick. At least we made it home before succumbing. It was a Cold/Flu thingy. For awhile there I thought it was going to be pneumonia. My chest was heavily congested feeling as if a vice was gripping and tightening. It made it very difficult to breath. This lasted a few days and then one morning I get up, get all ready to head out the door to go to work but sit down on the couch watching the weather because I had a few minutes and I never got back up. Ever have one of those moments when you just realize that things were going to get bad; well I slept for two entire days straight with a high fever to boot. Not fun. 
Stephanie and Jon at the top of the hill.
I declined to train for an entire week afterwards to make sure I had recovered sufficiently. Yesterday was my first real ride of 2009. David Gaus, DSSF, was leading a ride in the South Bay so I grabbed the bike and went. David, another David, Jon, Stephanie, Jerome, and I, rode a figure 8ish loop from Sunnyvale to Los Gatos and back. Jerome and I opted to ride up Redwood Gulch while the others chose Mt. Eden. Let’s just say I’m in such bad shape and with my heart rate beating around 198bpm I decided to walk a portion up Redwood. Last fall I would have made it, but after over two months off and being sick, I was literally near death ;-) Very, very humbling, I’ll have to retry soon.
Wondering whether Jerome headed to the top, top or already descended.
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53.53 miles
3,280 feet of climbing
(63.05 miles total for the day)
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