Chose to do the intermediate Paradise Loop ride on Saturday. I reasoned that since I was going to get my ass out of bed and do the ALC Category 3 Nicasio Loop ride (62 miles) on Sunday morning, I didn't want to tax myself too much on Saturday. As you can see, it is now Sunday morning and I'm in my robe and not on my bike. See how much that worked out for me.
Above: View from Sausalito towards San Francisco (right to left: SF, Bay Bridge, Alcatraz, Treasure Island, and Oakland way off in the distance).Below: From left: John, Les, and Cameron. Three of ~20 DSSF riders on an awesomely beautiful day. Directly behind John is a park ranger police type guy with a speed gun, giving bicyclists warnings for travelling too quickly (I only saw warnings given, no tickets). FWIW, I ride like I drive, grannyish.

route and data:
Total Time (h:m:s) 4:52:34, 6:11 pace
Moving Time (h:m:s) 3:29:40, 4:26 pace
Distance (mi ) 47.18
Moving Speed (mph) 13.5 avg., 42.0 max.
Elevation Gain (ft) +5,626 / -5,636
Heart Rate Data: Avg, Low, High
Heart Rate (%max): 75, 41, 101
Heart Rate (bpm): 140, 75, 187
Temperature (°F) 56.6°F avg., 60.8°F high
Wind Speed ( mph) ENE 3.4 avg., ENE 5.8 max.