Saturday, February 2, 2008

It's still friggin raining.

Week ending Saturday February 2, 2008
Don't forget that little supper dupper support link up in the corner :-)

my Smokey

spin classes: 2 (Mon 6:30 am, Tue 6:15 am)
commute miles: 56.52
training miles: 50.14
weekly total: 106.66 miles
2008 YTD totals: 349.4 miles, 9 spin classes, one flat
weight: 175 pounds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I simply can no longer ignore tactics that are harming the progressive values that I hold dear."


Care to update this post?

Also, please post smaller pictures - they are making your page load so slowly. And besides, I look ok in the small picture of the canoe but when you blow it up....aghh!...I'm hideous!!
