Sunday, April 13, 2008

Week ending Saturday April 12, 2008

The apple tree is in full bloom (lilies, magnolias, and some pretty purple flowers too).

spin classes: 1 and an attempt* (Sat 9:00 am)
commute miles: 40.86
training miles: 84.30
weekly miles: 125.16

2008 year-to-date: 1,596.15 miles, 17 spin classes, two flats, and one broken frame**
weight: 172 pounds

*I definitely have my favorite spin class leaders/instructors (Amy, Mark, Christina, Carol, etc...I actually don't dislike any of them), but a suggestion to those that substitute. When a person drags their ass out of bed to be at spin class bright eyed and bushy tailed ready for a good workout, you do not show up twenty minutes late and then proceed to do some wimpy ass spinning with 15 minutes of stretching!!! That just lends itself to riders (me, and a few others) to walk out on you in frustration. Give some respect, get some respect (vent over)

**That clankity-clickity sound that I thought was a broken bottom bracket and a quick fix turned out to be a broken frame. Nice clean cut through the chainstay. I'm guessing the bike is trying to tell my to get my fat ass down a few more pounds. New frame is on its way. I was thinking of converting my compact double (50/34) crank to a triple/granny chain ring but I'm going to swap out my 11-23 cassette for an 11-28 instead (lot less money). I get to keep the big gears plus I get some easier gears for some of those hills (Thanks to Michelle for the suggestion). I'm hoping the bike is put back together by next Friday, I had signed up to ride the Tierra Bella (Gilroy) and Sea Otter (Monterey) centuries back-2-back next weekend and am still hoping to be able to ride.

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