I just did my first century ride today!!! I rode Julie Brown's Cheese Factory/Petaluma ride from Mike's Bikes in Sausalito, but I rode there and back from home. My total mileage was 100.33 miles. I know it is just barely over one hundred but at least I didn't have to ride around the block a few times to get me above the mark. The last few hills were tough. My legs were screaming at me, push and pull, push and pull. Another great ride. Now time for a glass or two of wine.
Above: Lunch stop at the Apple Box in Petaluma. Left to right: Diane, Carol, Geoff, ???, and Lynne. Below: Group of riders leaving the Cheese Factory, I tagged along.
Above: View from the top of Wilson's HillBelow: Jennifer and Pamela cresting Wilson's
Above: Sean cresting Wilson's Hill (can you tell I needed to give my legs a rest)Below: Pelicans in Nicasio Reservoir
Lastly, I know I said I wouldn't give Thor anymore limelight, but Smokey and Thor sleeping snugly is just too much. Also the Licky, Licky too.

route and data:
Total Time (h:m:s)142:11:23, 5:49 pace
Moving Time (h:m:s)7:20:37, 4:23 pace
Distance (mi )100.33
Moving Speed (mph) 13.7 avg., 41.9 max.
Elevation Gain (ft) +11,297 / -11,293
Heart Rate Data: Avg, Low, High
Heart Rate (%max): 56, 40, 102
Heart Rate (bpm): 104, 74, 189
Temperature (°F) 55.4°F avg., 62.6°F high
Wind Speed ( mph) ESE 7.4 avg., ESE 23.0 max.