I now have a new favorite ride. After having been to Lagunitas twice now and thinking ho hum, pretty and all quite enjoyable. Nicasio Valley is simply stunning. I'm sure it being spring, and everything being nice and GREEN has nothing to do with it. Happy Cows were everywhere, and Happy Horses too. This was also my longest ride of the year, I have a feeling I'll do longer real soon. I even enjoyed the unpaved 2.5 mile trail that I took by accident in Samuel Taylor State Park. I wondered why I could see riders on the pavement across the river, while I'm dodging puddles and rocks. Lots of pics, I got tired of stopping every few miles.

Below: More riders passing me while I take a look at ALL the Happy Cows.

Total Time (h:m:s): 8:16:52, 6:01 pace
Moving Time (h:m:s): 6:12:14, 4:31 pace
Distance (mi ): 82.23
Moving Speed (mph): 13.3 avg., 38.6 max.
Elevation Gain (ft) +9,664 / -9,661
Temperature (°F): 54.9°F avg., 60.8°F high
Wind Speed ( mph): NW 13.6 avg., NW 17.2 max.
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