spin classes: 0
commute miles: 17.84
training miles: 0
weekly total: 17.84 miles
2008 Year-to-date: 655.99 miles, 13 spin classes
<---right to left: Dan, Sammie, and me. This is what I was dreaming of in between the movies.
I finally caught that nasty cold/flu that's been going around. It knocked me on my ass for a couple of days earlier in the week. This was the first cold/flu in years where I have felt my breathing restricted. Can finally imagine what people with asthma or emphysema have to put up with. I was wishing I had a respiratory pump spray to use. I missed my deep breaths. What's the general rule of thumb about amount of recovery time? Something along the likes of one day recovery for colds and two days recovery for the flu for each day sick. Since this was something like a cold and something like the flu, I'm going to split the difference and start riding again on the fourth day of recovery. That's tomorrow.
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