Total Time (h:m:s): 6:37:01, 5:52 pace
Moving Time (h:m:s): 5:00:39, 4:27 pace
Distance (mi ): 67.48
Moving Speed (mph): 13.5 avg., 146.3 max. (Ha Ha Ha, faster than a speeding bullet. Something is not reading right)
Elevation Gain (ft) +7,426 / -7,425
Heart Rate Data: Avg, Low, High
Heart Rate (%max): 81, 50, 105
Heart Rate (bpm): 150, 93, 195
Temperature (°F): 59.3°F avg., 64.4°F high
Wind Speed ( mph): WNW 9.5 avg., WNW 13.8 max.
Hi Larry
I'm assuming you're the Larry I rode back from Lagunitas with? I was looking through the
DSSF site and I think this is you. Who else would have GPS graphs per ride? :)
I also spotted my picture from the Jersey ride a few weeks back.
Talk to you soon
Cam (not Conrad ;)
yeah, yeah, i'm a dork like that. I call it a vocational hangover.
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