Woo hoo, first back to back days of significant riding. Felt a lot stronger today than I had thought I would. Lots of pics. Also a few weeks back my cyclo-computer registered my fastest speed at 140 mph. Not bloody likely ;-) Well today in San Anselmo as I'm stopped waiting at two different stop lights, my speedometer registers over 80 mph. Pretty damn good for having one foot on the ground. Curious as to what is causing the interference.Below: Hunchback of SF just leaving the house

Above: View South towards the Richmond/San Rafael bridgeBelow: View North/NE from China Camp
Below: View South/SE from China Camp. Those aren't buildings off towards the right. Those are the Richmond Gas refinery smokestacks.
Below: Lunch at China Camp

Above: Marina in Sausalito, with view towards SF.Below: The Marin Bike Path, with who knows biking. Like the houseboats.

route and data:

Total Time (h:m:s) 7:09:58, 5:42 pace
Moving Time (h:m:s) 5:18:02, 4:13 pace
Distance (mi ) 75.27
Moving Speed (mph) 14.2 avg., 40.4 max.
Elevation Gain (ft) +8,229 / -8,228
Heart Rate Data: Avg, Low, High
Heart Rate (%max): 74, 49, 97
Heart Rate (bpm): 136, 90, 179
Temperature (°F): 54.7°F avg., 57.2°F high
Wind Speed ( mph): NE 3.0 avg., NE 4.6 max.
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